Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for IQT Preferred Testing Centers
1. What are the benefits of becoming an IQT Preferred Testing Center?
- Increase your candidate testing volume and earn more revenue
- Better employ your test center’s seat availability
- User-friendly testing center web-based support system plus phone access to support staff
- Full control to manage, modify, and enter available testing seats, test center hours, etc.
- Candidates can register to take an examination at your center 24/7
2. Am I required to enter a contract to become an IQT Preferred Testing Center? How do we get paid?
Yes, IQT will provide standardized testing center agreement. Proposed changes needed by a prospective testing center will be given serious consideration. IQT pays the testing center based upon hourly rates, in exchange for testing center making seats available and providing monitored conditions.
3. How does the test center administration system basically work?
- The Test Center is issued a username and password and enters appointment (seat) availability information, hours of operation, etc.
- Test Center designates who shall be the proctors for its center, who are provided with an IQT Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Administration Manual
- Proctors take the IQT Proctor certification test on-line to ensure basic understanding of administration policies and procedures (e.g. how to check candidates in, launch an examination, etc.)
- Proctors report any unusual incidents by completing an on-line form
- More details are available in the IQT Computer-Based Testing Administration Manual
4. What kind of support is provided to Testing Centers?
- Real-time email and phone service support 24/7
- Reminder notifications of upcoming testing appointment(s) at your center
- Confirmation of upcoming testing appointment(s) at your center
5. Can you guarantee me candidate testing volume?
No, because volume is based upon the number of exam clients/sponsors, which changes continuously, we are unable to guarantee volumes at any particular location. However, IQT will provide you with significant additional testing units that you are not getting now, which can only add to the productivity of your seats and to your overall revenue.
6. What types of exams do IQT Testing Centers administer?
IQT would expect to send a wide variety of occupational-related testing candidates to your center (i.e. those taking “high stakes” career-related examinations).
We cater to candidates seeking licensure or certification is such PROFESSIONAL
fields as medical-related, nursing-related, IT-related, and other professional
roles, to be scheduled at your center if you join our network. We further
expect to begin sending candidates immediately following the conpletion of your
test centr's set-up. During the interim, we would work with you to get an
agreement in place, and to get your testing center set-up procedurally to become
part of the IQT Preferred Testing Center Network
7. When will you begin scheduling candidates at my testing center?
Candidates will be able to begin scheduling at your testing center as soon as availability is
added to your IQT testing calendar.
8. How many stations do you currently need? Is there a minimum and/or maximum number of testing stations required?
IQT requires a minimum of two testing stations and we do not have a maximum requirement. Our system works such that each center informs us of seat availability information. If you have more stations, rather than fewer, then we would be in a position to make more candidate appointments at your location.
9. Do we charge you or the candidate for testing? How does the billing work?
Your testing center is not required to do anything. Payment of test delivery fees and
candidate registration fees by IQT to your testing center will be accounted for
based on the number of candidate records received for scheduled tests in the IQT
database. IQT will make commercially reasonable efforts to pay test
delivery to your test center in accordance with the schedule set for in the site
agreement within 30 days following the end of the month in which the
corresponding test(s) were administered. Test registration fees are earned
by the testing center only for a test that is administered and for which IQT
initially registers the candidate on the IQT registration system.
10. Do I mail or fax back the contract to you? You may fax the contract back to us at your convenience. Once received, we will be contacting you to get your testing center set-up procedurally to become part of the IQT Preferred Testing Center Network.
11. Can you tell me the volume and seasonality that you expect in my area?
There are typically "peaks and valleys" in the volumes of every testing program. IQT’s goal is to continuously increase the number of programs using our network, and as such, smooth out the demand in the testing centers. It is very difficult to assess seasonality for a particular center, because the “seasons” change from program to program.
12. Do you currently also offer paper and pencil testing?
No, IQT is strictly in the business of providing Computer-Based Testing (CBT), and consulting services relating to: (a) the administration of examinations via computer; and (b) to credentialing bodies seeking to convert from paper/pencil testing to CBT, or to expand into international markets.
13. What types of tests will be administered at my center? How long will they take? What is your projected volume in this area? Where will the candidates be coming from?
IQT administers only high-stakes examinations via its testing network, such as occupational examinations required for licensure or certification. These types of examinations vary in length, but typically candidates are allowed 2 or
4 hours. It is very difficult to accurately predict how many will test in your local area. The volume derives from test delivery contracts entered between IQT and various credentialing bodies.
14. Can you send me the Administration Manual? Can I see the computer specifications required to become an IQT Testing Center?
Yes, simply contact the IQT Offices by clicking the “contact us” button, and they will provide you with an IQT Computer-Based Testing Administration Manual. After becoming a center, each proctor is provided with a username and password, and can download a manual also.
15. I would like to see the computer requirements to become an IQT testing center.
Simply stated, the requirements to become an IQT testing center are as
- Availability of one proctor to administer the examination(s) in accordance with the IQT Computer-Based Testing Administration manual.
- Two stationary desk top Pentium 3 computers (or higher), 128 MB RAM, IQT’s Secure Browser program (provided),
Internet access with Internet Explorer 6 or higher, FAX machine , Printer access, Secured room, Quiet (free of outside distractions), Good lighting,
Adequate spacing between each computer, Comfortable seating, Clock, Handicap accessible, and Accessible to restrooms and drinking fountain.
- Please Note: Laptops are not permitted.
16. Will you require a certain number of hours of open testing per week? How many workstations are required?
No, the way it works is that you have full control to manage, modify, and enter available testing seats, test center hours, etc. Test Center is issued a username and password and enters appointment (seat) availability information, hours of operation, etc., into our web-based system. Candidates who wish to take an examination at your center will only see appointment options which you have made available. When an appointment is made at your testing center, you will receive an email informing you of the candidate’s information, and the date/time of appointment. A minimum of two computer stations are required.